Counteract the Spread of Airborne Viruses with the Right Humidity Levels
Due to recenct outbreaks, no specific claims can be made on the effectiveness of any system on destroying or eliminating the virus commonly known as COVID-19.
- There is research that supports the fact that increasing indoor humidity levels to at least 43% had a dramatic effect on approximately 85% of airborne viruses, rendering them virtually ineffective.
- Moisture has the ability to prevent the movement of germs, as they combine with this moisture and simply drop. This happens because the airborne particles are now too heavy to float around in the air. In turn, this helps prevent the spread of many illnesses, including influenza.
Helps to Prevent Snoring
By using a humidifier to add moisture to the air, you create an environment that can help to soothe tissues at the back of the throat. This can help you sleep more comfortably and cut down on snoring.
Combats Dry Skin Issues
Having a humidifier running can help prevent your skin from drying out as a result of added moisture in the air. It may also help control dry or itchy skin, peeling or chapped lips, and dry and irritated eyes.
Helps With Allergy Symptoms
People who suffer from allergies may actually feel more comfortable with increased humidity in the home. Studies show that modern humidifiers can help soothe the tissues in the throat and nasal passages, soothing allergy symptions as a result*.
Helps with Static
Static electricity can often be increased during the dry months of winter. When static appears in your laundry or creates frizzy hair, it can be quite an annoyance. Air with the right levels of humidity can limit issues created by static.
*John Noti, Francoise Blachere, Cynthia McMillen, William Lindsley, Michael Kashon, Denzil Sluaghter and Donald Beezhold, “High Humidity leads to loss of infectious influenza Virus from Stimulated Coughs”, PLOS ONE, February, 27, 2013
Healthy Climate® Whole-Home Humidifiers
- Easier to use and less intrusive than portable units (no need to constantly fill and clean units)
- Precise control keep humidity precisely where you need it
Healthy Climate® Humidifier Web Only Offer
(stand alone)
- $595 (save 14%)
- Phone: (440) 290-5058
- Limit one per customer. Cannot be combined with any other coupon or discount. Only one coupon may be applied per transaction. Coupon must be surrendered at time of service.
Healthy Climate® Humidifier Web Only Offer
(with Air Conditioner or Furnace Purchase)
- $425 (save 39%)
- Phone: (440) 290-5058
- Limit one per customer. Cannot be combined with any other coupon or discount. Only one coupon may be applied per transaction. Coupon must be surrendered at time of service.